Café Cubano (Cuban Coffee)





  1. Fill bottom container with water below seal. The amount of water depends on the size of pot that you are using.
  2. Put ground coffee (Bustelo is a very popular brand that you can buy online or in specialty grocery stores) in middle portion of pot and tap down and then add a little bit more. The amount depends on the size of coffee pot.
  3. Screw top of coffee pot on to base.
  4. Turn on a burner to medium to low heat an place pot on stove.
  5. In about 5 minutes you will begin to hear sputtering sounds coming from pot. That is when you know coffee is ready, so turn off your burner.
  6. Put granulated sugar into cup first – 1 teaspoon per demitasse or to taste, and pour coffee over sugar to melt it.
  7. Enjoy the rich flavor of Cuba.
Imperial Sugar Insight

For Café con Leche, simply use 2 parts Cuban Coffee to 1 part steamed milk.

You can also use an espresso machine instead of a stovetop coffee pot. Just follow the instructions.

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Café Cubano





La manera autentica de hacer café cubano es usando una greca, tal como la que ve en arriba en la foto. Pero, si tiene una maquina de hacer expreso, siga las siguientes instrucciones:

  1. Añada la cantidad de café deseado, marcas cubanas comunes son Bustelo, Pilón y la Llave.
  2. Para cada tasita de café que piensa hacer, use una cucharadita de azúcar. La clave de hacer el café cubano es que es súper dulce. El truco es echar la azúcar en la greca antes de hervir el café.
  3. Hierva el café tal como si fuera expreso. El café se va a verter sobre la azúcar en la greca al momento que empiece a hervir. Después de que se llene la greca, revuélvalo rápidamente para disolver la azúcar. Vierta el café en varias tasitas y disfrútelo.
Imperial Sugar Insight

For Café con Leche, simply use 2 parts Cuban Coffee to 1 part steamed milk.

You can also use an espresso machine instead of a stovetop coffee pot. Just follow the instructions.

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