Cinnamon Buttercream Frosting

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    1. Mix butter until light and fluffy. Add one cup powdered sugar and combine well. Add remaining powdered sugar and mix until light and fluffy.
    2. Add cinnamon, vanilla, milk and pinch of salt.  Mix until well blended.
    Imperial Sugar Insight

    For a smooth and creamy buttercream frosting, all ingredients should be at the same temperature. If your liquid was not at room temperature the mixture cannot homogenize and will take on a curdled appearance (become soupy looking). This is a sign that the mixture is still too cold. Rapidly stirring and gentle warming will emulsify the buttercream to a smooth and creamy consistency. Continue to mix while using a hair dryer on the outside of mixing bowl until the perfect consistency is reached. For additional tips on how to make the perfect buttercream, watch our How to Fix a Broken Buttercream video.

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    Glaseado de Canela

    Products Used


    • 5 cucharadas + 1 cucharadita o 1/3 taza de mantequilla sin sal, suave
    • 3 tazas de Imperial Sugar Azúcar en Polvo Confeccionar
    • 1/4 taza de crema o leche
    • 2 cucharaditas de extracto de vainilla
    • 1/2 cucharadita de canela en polvo
    • Pizca de sal


    1. Bata la mantequilla hasta que quede cremosa. Añada una taza de azúcar en polvo y mezcle hasta que quede suave y esponjosa.
    2. Gradualmente añada el resto de la azúcar en polvo, alternando con la crema o leche. Raspe el tazón bien. Bata hasta que quede suave y cremoso. Añada la vainilla, la canela y la sal. Combine bien.
    Imperial Sugar Insight

    For a smooth and creamy buttercream frosting, all ingredients should be at the same temperature. If your liquid was not at room temperature the mixture cannot homogenize and will take on a curdled appearance (become soupy looking). This is a sign that the mixture is still too cold. Rapidly stirring and gentle warming will emulsify the buttercream to a smooth and creamy consistency. Continue to mix while using a hair dryer on the outside of mixing bowl until the perfect consistency is reached. For additional tips on how to make the perfect buttercream, watch our How to Fix a Broken Buttercream video.