Copycat Watermelon Jolly Ranchers





  1. Prepare candy molds by coating lightly with cooking spray. Place molds on top of silicone baking mat to catch overflow. Depending on how many molds you have, you may want to prepare a lipped baking pan for any extra syrup.
  2. Combine sugar, corn syrup and water in a medium-sized saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar dissolves. 
  3. Bring mixture to a boil without stirring. When syrup reaches 290°F, add food coloring. Do not stir. Boiling action will disperse color.
  4. Remove from heat at 300°F. When boiling stops, add flavoring and stir gently. Use caution to avoid any steam.
  5. Carefully pour into candy molds and/or cookie sheet. If using cookie sheet, score candy once it has slightly hardened. 
  6. Allow candy to cool to room temperature. Do not refrigerate. 
  7. Once hardened, release from molds and dust finished candy with powdered sugar or wrap in cellophane. For big pieces of candy, break into smaller pieces. Store in an airtight container. 
Imperial Sugar Insight

®/Jolly Ranchers is a trademark of The Hershey Company. All rights reserved.

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