Golden Brown Sugar Topping

Products Used
Golden Brown Sugar Topping



    1. Combine all ingredients in a small saucepan.
    2. Stir occasionally over low heat until sugar is dissolved and butter is melted.
    3. Serve as desired.
    Imperial Sugar Insight

    This buttery brown sugar delight is an ideal topping for breads, rolls, coffeecakes, shortbreads, snack cakes, pound cakes and ice cream. It is perfect for candied sweet potatoes.

    Tested by Gerry Speirs @Foodness Gracious.

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    Gerry Speirs
    May 18, 2014

    This topping was best when warm and would be great on almost anything, including ice cream!

    Salsa de Azúcar Dorada

    Products Used
    Golden Brown Sugar Topping


    • 1 taza de Imperial Sugar Azúcar Morena Oscura
    • 3/4 cucharadas de mantequilla o margarina
    • 3/4 taza de nueces pacanas, picadas
    • 2 cucharadas de agua
    • 1 cucharadita de canela en polvo



    1. Ponga los ingredientes en una cacerola pequeña y cocine a fuego lento revolviendo ocasionalmente hasta que el azúcar se disuelva y la mantequilla se halla derretido aproximadamente entre 5 y 10 minutos. Deje espesar.
    2. Sírvalo sobre helado o pastel.


    Imperial Sugar Insight

    This buttery brown sugar delight is an ideal topping for breads, rolls, coffeecakes, shortbreads, snack cakes, pound cakes and ice cream. It is perfect for candied sweet potatoes.

    Tested by Gerry Speirs @Foodness Gracious.

    Gerry Speirs
    May 18, 2014

    This topping was best when warm and would be great on almost anything, including ice cream!