Strawberry Preserves

Products Used
Strawberry Preserves


  • 4 cups Imperial Sugar Extra Fine Granulated Sugar
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 4 cups strawberries chopped (about 2 cartons of strawberries)
  • You will also need: a medium saucepan, knife, cutting board, measuring cups, spoon, 4 small jars and paraffin wax.


      1. Put together all ingredients in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until sugar has melted completely.
      2. Bring mixture to a boil and continue to boil for 20 minutes stirring occasionally.
      3. Let cool in the same saucepan.
      4. When cold, place in clean, hot jars and seal cold with paraffin.
      5. Refrigerate and serve cold over Texas Toast.
      Imperial Sugar Insight

      Level of Difficulty: Easy
      This classic recipe has been in the family for generations.
      Click here to see our 1972 TV commercial for My First Cookbook!

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      Conservas de Frutas

      Products Used
      Strawberry Preserves



      1. Ponga todos los ingredientes en una olla y cocine a fuego medio hasta que el azúcar se haya derretido completamente.
      2. Llevar la mezcla a ebullición y mantener la ebullición durante 20 minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente.
      3. Dejar enfriar en la misma cacerola.
      4. Al lugar frío, en frascos limpios y calientes y sellado en frío con parafina.
      5. Refrigerar y servir frío sobre Texas Toast francés.
      Imperial Sugar Insight

      Level of Difficulty: Easy
      This classic recipe has been in the family for generations.
      Click here to see our 1972 TV commercial for My First Cookbook!