Texas Pecan Pie

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    1. Preheat oven to 400°F.
    2. Prepare or thaw a 9-inch piecrust. Place on a foil or parchment lined cookie tray for easy clean up after baking. Pour pecan halves or pieces in pie shell and set aside.
    3. Using a whisk combine evaporated milk, eggs, vanilla, salt and melted butter. Whisk in brown sugar and granulated sugar and combine well. Pour filling over pecans; pecans will float to surface.
    4. Place in oven at 400°F. After 10 minutes reduce heat to 350°F and bake until center no longer trembles, about 35-45 minutes.
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    Sweetalk member
    Nov 15, 2020

    I have been making this pie with this crust for 40 years. This year my son said. I don't care what else we have as long as you make pecan pie! This is what he means!

    Nov 28, 2016

    This was a fabulous pecan pie! I didn't have corn syrup and had leftover evaporated milk from a pumpkin pie I had just made so I used this recipe. I did run short on brown sugar I only had about 1 1/4 but the end pie was sweet enough. I will be making this pie from now on. I also increased the vanilla to 1 1/2 tsp. This will be our thanksgiving pie from now on.

    Jul 21, 2014

    My dearest friend is from San Antonio, Texas...and Lordy, she makes the best pecan pie ever! She won't give me her recipe, but I suspect that it's from the Imperial cookbook. lol She loves baking pies for everybody, and keeping her recipe secret, she's always in demand. :)

    Kathy M
    Dec 11, 2010

    My Grandma had a recipe she got off the sugar bag many years ago. She always loved this recipe and my family does too. I am lucky to have the recipe she got off that bag.

    Tarta de Nueces Pacanas Estilo Tejano

    Products Used



    • 3/4 taza o 1 1/2 barra de mantequilla o margarina, suave
    • 2 huevos grandes
    • 1 cucharadita de vainilla
    • 1 jarra de Mezcla Sabrosa de Galletas


    1. Caliente el horno a 400° F.
    2. Prepare o descongele la masa de hojaldre. Póngala en un molde para tartas forrado con papel de aluminio o pergamino para facilitar la limpieza después de hornear. Vierta las nueces pacanas dentro de la cobertura de pastel y póngala a un lado.
    3. Usando un batidor de alambre, combine la leche evaporada, los huevos, la vainilla, la sal y la mantequilla derretida. Añada la azúcar morena y la azúcar granulada y bátalo bien. Vierta la mezcla sobre las nueces pacanas las cuales empezaran a flotar.
    4. Hornee a 400° F. Después de 10 minutos baje el fuego a 350° F y hornee hasta que el centro ya no tiemble, alrededor de 35 a 45 minutos.
    Sweetalk member
    Nov 15, 2020

    I have been making this pie with this crust for 40 years. This year my son said. I don't care what else we have as long as you make pecan pie! This is what he means!

    Nov 28, 2016

    This was a fabulous pecan pie! I didn't have corn syrup and had leftover evaporated milk from a pumpkin pie I had just made so I used this recipe. I did run short on brown sugar I only had about 1 1/4 but the end pie was sweet enough. I will be making this pie from now on. I also increased the vanilla to 1 1/2 tsp. This will be our thanksgiving pie from now on.

    Jul 21, 2014

    My dearest friend is from San Antonio, Texas...and Lordy, she makes the best pecan pie ever! She won't give me her recipe, but I suspect that it's from the Imperial cookbook. lol She loves baking pies for everybody, and keeping her recipe secret, she's always in demand. :)

    Kathy M
    Dec 11, 2010

    My Grandma had a recipe she got off the sugar bag many years ago. She always loved this recipe and my family does too. I am lucky to have the recipe she got off that bag.