Vanilla Bean Pear Butter

Products Used
Vanilla Bean Pear Butter



    1. With a sharp pairing knife, spit both vanilla beans pods. Run the back of the knife along the inside of beans and scrape vanilla beans out.
    2. In a large saucepan or French oven, combine all ingredients including vanilla bean pods and vanilla beans. Bring to a boil over high heat then reduce heat to a low simmer. Simmer for 50 minutes or until mixture has reduced and thickened. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
    3. Once cooled, remove vanilla bean pods and discard. Transfer pears to a food processor or blender and puree until smooth. If mixture is too thin, return to saucepan and simmer over medium-low heat until reduced and thickened to your tastes.
    4. Sore in an air-tight jar in the refrigerator. Serve with pancakes, biscuits and breads.
    Imperial Sugar Insight

    Recipe developed for Imperial Sugar by Meredith Steele @InSockMonkeySlippers.

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