Raspberry Gelato





  1. Defrost raspberries. Defrost either overnight in refrigerator or on low setting in microwave. Keep temperature of berries under 70°F.
  2. Bring to boil water, sugar, and agave syrup. Boil for 2 minutes and remove from heat. Pour in bowl and place in freezer until very cold.
  3. Puree raspberries until very smooth puree is obtained.
  4. Press puree through sieve and discard seeds. Obtain a total of 3 cups raspberry puree. Use any remaining puree to flavor drinking water.
  5. Combine puree with cold syrup and cold heavy cream and whisk smooth. Place in freezer until very cold.
  6. Meanwhile prepare ice cream machine (follow manufacturer's directions). Pouring very cold ice cream mixture into machine will shorten churning time and provide smoother and better ice cream. (Gelato, a lower fat version of ice cream, churns in professional machines in just 2-3 minutes, but feels very rich on the tongue.)
  7. Spread churned ice cream into a 9-inch pan. Return to freezer.
  8. Allow to firm for at least 4 hours or overnight. 
  9. Scoop and serve with fresh mint sprigs, if desired. 
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Feb 02, 2023

Does this call for 3 - 12oz bags of raspberries or 12oz in total?

Feb 03, 2023

It is 3 bags of 12 ounces each. We'll clarify the recipe to make it more clear. Thanks for the question!

In reply to by [email protected]

Lara S.
Jul 04, 2022

This is a very yummy recipe! I used fresh raspberries and 12 oz made 3.5 cups of purée. I used agave syrup. I tried to follow the recipe as closely as possible, and made sure the mixture was nice and cold before churning it. In my not so great ice cream maker, it took about 30-40 minutes. I could never hear a difference in the sound of the motor, so I watched for it to get the consistency of soft serve. Then I spread it in a 9x9 pan, covered it, and froze it over night. The flavor was amazing and the texture really good. It was a huge hit with my family and friends. This a a keeper recipe for sure!

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